Kids News - Food Articles

Popinator 'Pops' Popcorn Right Into Your Mouth!

If you are like most kids than your favorite way to eat popcorn is by shooting it into your mouth, one kernel at a time. However, unless you have an extremely accurate aim, it can be a frustrating experience and a little messy, to say the least. Now, the makers of Popcorn Indiana have come up with an ingenious solution....

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Popinator 'Pops' Popcorn Right Into Your Mouth!

MIT invention Will Finally End Your One-Sided Battle With The Ketchup Bottle

How often have you settled down for dinner at home or in a restaurant and tried to put a dollop of ketchup or mayonnaise on your burger or alongside your fries, only to find that nothing drips out. Then, when you wallop the bottle in frustration, it suddenly squirts all over the table! The problem only exacerbates as the amount of ketchup in the bottle depletes. In fact, very few people can honestly say that they have ever succeeded it emptying the bottle down to the very last drop. Now, thanks to some Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers that day may not be far off....

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MIT invention Will Finally End Your One-Sided Battle With The Ketchup Bottle

Coming Soon To A Theme Park Near You - A Pizza Vending Machine!

Theme parks can be a lot of fun except for one thing - The long lines. Though the ones for rides can be avoided with a Fast Pass, there is no easy fix when trying to get a bite to eat. Now, there may finally be a solution coming our way - A vending machine that dispenses delicious pizza, in a speedy quick three minutes!...

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Coming Soon To A Theme Park Near You - A Pizza Vending Machine!

'Never Seconds' - Scottish Student's School Lunch Blog Goes Viral

Anybody that has ever been subjected to a school cafeteria lunch can attest that they range from totally awesome and nutritious, to completely gross and unhealthy. When they tend to be more the latter, some of us grin and eat it because we are starving, while others just put it in the trash and move on. One young girl however decided that she needed to take action. And in this Internet era, what better way to do it, than starting a blog?...

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'Never Seconds' - Scottish Student's School Lunch Blog Goes Viral

Machine Dispenses Free Samples - To Adults Only!

Trying out free samples of any food is fun, but Jell-O? That has to top the list. The best part is that Kraft Foods has figured out how to automate the process using vending machines, which means one can keep returning for more, without getting the evil eye from a human sample dispenser. The catch? It will dispense to adults only!...

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Machine Dispenses Free Samples - To Adults Only!

Should Restaurants Penalize Customers For Leftover Food?

According to the World Health Organization, over a billion people in the world are starving and the number that is underfed, is even greater. Despite these dire statistics, many of us have no qualms ordering much more than we can devour at restuarants and then, letting it all go to waste - Now, a restaurant in Saudi Arabia is trying to put a stop to the unneccasary wastage - by levying a fine on its customers!...

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Should Restaurants Penalize Customers For Leftover Food?