Art Games

By Meera Dolasia

Art Games

Love to splash paint around and create works of art? Then this is the perfect site for you - Create masterpieces that will put Andy Warhol to shame and the best part is, that there is no messy cleanup. After you have fulfilled your creative side, be sure to check out the games, which are all art-related of course!

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  • oddwallahover 13 years
    really sorry, this site has closed down!
    • Yabout 14 years
      5TH TO VOTE
      • keyabout 14 years
        aaliyah smith is my best fiend for good i love evey boby
        • liyah smithabout 14 years
          when i want to texa i had fun i want with my dad
          • Pinkabout 14 years
            I like it
            • Pinkabout 14 years
              very good
              • Pink:)about 14 years

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